Sunday, January 12, 2014

Latvian Connection

How did I not remember this?

Yesterday we went to our favorite French restaurant in Milwaukee, Chez Jacques, to meet our friend Pat W for moulles, frites, charcuterie, and wine  as we occasionally do.
(Here is me with Xavier, Jacque's friend at his restaurant in Paris)
From Paris - 2009

We mentioned to Pat that we are going to Latvia this year.  He reminded us that Ingrid, Muskie Mike's wife (Muskie is Pat's brother and the only person in the world who looks more Irish than Pat) is from Latvia!  I knew that!

We will have them over in a few weeks to discuss all things Latvian.
From Harley-Davidson's 105th Anniversary Party

(Pat, Shirley, and Laurie)

I like to think that we picked the Hanseatic Cities because of all this subliminal information.

Yeah for us!

Sunday, January 05, 2014

NYT Travel Section

Despite my last post, I am almost always disappointed in the New York Times Sunday Travel section.  They assume that everyone reading both has unlimited funds and wants to spend a lot of money on their vacations.

Our internet friends, Lou & Joan Rose (The Ramblin' Roses) always say that the less you spend, the closer you get to the reason you went.  Alain De Boton makes a similar point in his very round about way in his 2004 book, The Art Of Travel.

Look at today's "36 Hours In" article on Chicago.  We go to Chicago at least twice a year for long weekends, and this is not what we'd recommend for people who want to visit (ok, we always hit the Signature Room for martinis and I'm told the view from the women's room is the best).

But, I'll keep reading.  What can you do!